Become a better all-around player with 3 hours of daily ice time in a full-day camp format. The Complete Player Development Camp will teach proper skating habits – designed to make a more powerful, balanced, and efficient skater – while also focusing on puck control, shooting, and passing for well-rounded skill development throughout the week.


LocationDatesBirth YearsCostRegistration Links
Bell SensplexMarch 11-152011-2016$559SKATER

Richcraft SensplexMarch 11-152011-2016$559SKATER


SKILLS REQUIREMENTSThis camp is open to players of all skill levels.

The Complete Player Development Camp will feature the following:

  • 3 hours of daily ice time & off-ice activities.
  • On-ice development will be focused on improving all skills needed to enjoy hockey more than even, including but not limited too: skating, shooting and puck control.
  • Forget your lunch at home and opt into our 5-day meal plan!
  • Off-ice development will include multi-sport activities, conditioning and off-ice puck hockey development.  
  • Full day camps will take place between 8 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. 

Meal Plan Information (Must be a Registered Full Day Camper to Purchase)


Sign up for a 5-day meal plan presented by Centre Ice Sports bar! Check out our menu below

  • Monday: Chicken Burger and Fries or Salad
  • Tuesday: Chicken Caesar Wrap and Fries or Salad
  • Wednesday: Cheese Burger and Fries
  • Thursday: Turkey, Chicken, Italian Sandwiches with Fries or Salad
  • Friday: Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni)


Sign up for a 5-day meal plan presented by The Puck Stop Restaurant! Check out the menu below

  • Monday: Penne and Tomato Sauce
  • Tuesday: Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni)
  • Wednesday: Cheese Burger and Fries
  • Thursday: Grilled Cheese with Chips
  • Friday Chicken Fingers and Fries

Refund Policy: Read our Refund & Cancellation Policy.

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